Friday, March 7, 2014

Here I Am Again

Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged on this site……Nov. of 2012 to be exact, and truthfully, I haven't blogged much on Muzenews, either, except for participating in Picture Perfect nearly every week.  I never felt really comfortable with this site and how it functioned and felt that the new Muzenews site operated more in the way Multiply did.

But now, .ning will be moving to a new platform and as such, it will be more expensive for the administrator to continue supporting Muzenews on her own dime, so once the transition is made, users will have to pay $25.00 per year to use the site.  I know that isn't a huge amount of money, but I have a problem with having to pay in order to blog, especially with how seldom I blog anymore, so it looks like after the transition over there takes place, this will be where I'll be blogging, every now and then.

The thing is, I spend most of my social networking time on Facebook and many of my connections from Multiply and even going back to the 360 days are there, too.  So blogging on a regular basis has taken a back seat for me.  But, I do want to keep open the option to blog, if I get the urge to do so, so I guess I'll be popping over here more frequently.  I still don't think this site is as user friendly as it was over on Multiply and then on Muzenews, but I guess, with time, if I begin to use this site more often, and become more familiar with it, it will begin to make sense to me.  Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I have a site in Blogspot, mainly for the Picture this thing and a backup for my daily blogs, which seem to have become daily. I joined Muzenews twice and left twice never to return, It was just a cheap copy of Multiply for me and never had they Multiply feeling. I am in facebook, but found out how to make my own site away from the maddening crowds. I am in a couple of closed groups there for photography and my old home town in London as well as my old school. Otherwise Facebook sometimes reminds me of the confession box in a church. My main site, and the one that suits me is wordpress. I now have 2,500 followers there. It is mainly a site for bloggers, writers, and does a lot to encourage blogging. They have a daily prompt and a weekly prompt and I have met a lot of good people there from all over the world, a lot of journalists and writers. Perhaps because writing is what I like to do most that it appeals. See you around in Facebook.
